Healthy Back to School Snacks #SummerGuide #ad

Before you know it the kids will be back to school and the struggle to fill their lunches with healthy options will be on. Check out these 4 ideas for preparing Healthy Back to School Snacks!

Healthy Back to School Snacks

  • Prepare fruits and veggies quickly with the use of inexpensive kitchen gadgets. If you buy the right tools you can cut down on the time and mess it takes preparing fruits to pack for lunches.
  • Make healthy substitutions when baking. If you are planning on making cookies or granola bars for lunches you can make simple swaps like replacing butter for bananas, avocado, or applesauce.
  • Add more fibre to lunches. Replacing white breads with whole wheat is a simple way to add more fibre and nutrition to a sandwich. Fibre also helps fill you up and keeps you full for longer.
  • Snack smart. When choosing a packaged snack make sure you are reading the label. Choose snacks that have ingredients you can pronounce. You want to know what you are putting into your body! Hemp Heart Bites from Manitoba Harvest are a great choice. They have only 5 ingredients and are full of natural nutritional value. They are a delicious bite-sized snack that is perfect for snacking on the go!

hemp heart bites

Hemp Heart Bites contain 3 grams of fibre, 10 grams of protein, and 10 grams of Omega 3&6 per 230 calorie serving. They have a nutty/sweet taste with the perfect amount of crunch, they taste great!! After snacking on these I feel full and satisfied, even when I was am the go during a busy day!

*I have been compensated for this post.*


  1. I love new snack ideas for my kids. Luckily, we just got out last week, so I have a few months before I have to worry about this.

  2. this snacks sounds great . i love the new snack idea. i will try it on this weekend thank you for the new ideas.

  3. I don’t think we have this here in my country but I’m all for a healthy eating and that includes snacks too. I hope we have Hemp here soon so I get to try it.

  4. I am always on the look out for healthy snacks. These are great ideas.

  5. There has been so much information about hemp out there lately, and I’ve heard a lot about how good it is for you. These seem like a great way to supplement your health.

  6. These are wonderful ideas. I’m thankful that my kids will ask and eat fresh vegetables and fruit. They love grapes, strawberries, baby carrots, oranges, avocados, and more.

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