Lose Weight with Clear and Effective SMART Goals

Instead of setting New Years Resolutions, trying setting some goals. Using the SMART goals method will help you stay on track and remain accountable for your goals. You are much more likely to succeed when you have a plan!


S: Be specific about your goals. Write them down and keep them somewhere for motivation! Your specific goal should answer the 5 W’s, ‘Who, What, When, Where, and Why’.

M: How will you measure you goals? Are you trying to losing inches or pounds? Or maybe you are trying to run a 5k! Make sure you can easily measure your goals and you celebrate every time you reach a milestone!

A: Is your goal realistic and attainable? Will you put the work in to achieve your goals? You have the power to change your attitude and atmosphere to make sure you reach your goals. Will you? Ask yourself how you will achieve your goals!

R: How realistic is your goal? Trying to lose 20 pounds in 2 months is not healthy and it’s not realistic. Losing up to 2lbs a week is a healthy goal, and you are the one who decides how hard you are willing to work to get the fastest results!

T: Are you giving yourself enough time. You should give yourself enough time to reach your goals, but they should still be challenging! If you don’t give yourself a goal date there is no sense of urgency! You will just keep pushing your start date. Have you ever said, “I’ll start tomorrow.”? STOP! Start now and make sure you reach your goals by your start date.

setting s.m.a.r.t goals yourhealthyyear.com

With all this in mind, you are ready to set your own S.M.A.R.T goals.

Looking for more tips on losing weight? Check out these posts:

One Comment

  1. I really like the use of the acronym when designing and tracking life goals. My problem is getting pulled in all different directions once I roadmap a plan of action.

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